Undress Code was granted EU funds from GoToBrand (POIR 2014-2020, 3.3.3. "GO TO BRAND – SUPPORT IN PROMOTION FOR SME" for 2 projects:
1. POIR.03.03.03-14-0154/18
Title of the project: "International market promotion activities for Undress Code - Polish brand"
Aim of the project: acquiring new business partners and increasing revenue from export activities
Total : 507 000.00 PLN
Eligible cost: 507 000.00 PLN
EU contribution: 405 600.00 PLN
2. POIR.03.03.03-10-0018/21
Title of the project: "International expanstion of Undress Code to Gulf States"
Aim of the project: acquiring new business partners and increasing revenue from export activities
Total : 179 600.00 PLN
Eligible cost: 179 600.00 PLN
EU contribution: 152 660.00 PLN